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RA(T) not displayed correctly

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 201
I was trying to plan a trip close to the RA(T) for the Farnborough Airshow and found that NOTAM J1311/12 (AIC Mauve 059/012 also refers) is not being drawn correctly on SD Plan. It appears to be drawn as a simple circle centered on Farnborough.
Perhaps Tim would like to comment
Edited 7/3/2012 7:06:47 PM by wrecker
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Posts: 9, Visits: 25
No doubt the SD team has more detail, but it's worth remembering that any graphical NOTAM software can only accurately display the "area of influence" which is is coded in the Q-line of the NOTAM (i.e., whatever the author of the NOTAM thought was the area where the NOTAM is of relevance; by definition it can only be a circle). The actual area definitions within the long text of a NOTAM are not really fully standardised. and while most software makes a reasonable guess for simple areas, something as complex as the FB airshow restrictions are usually beyond its capabilities.

IMHO, given that parts of the RA(T) change by time on the day, and also for some days interact with the Olympics restrictions, I wouldn't trust any such software's guesstimate and rather go with the actual change maps that the CAA, FB and others have issued.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 201
I take your point. However another NOTAM graphical checking program that I use (not a planning progam) had the Farnborough RA(T) drawn correctly. I was rather disappointed that SD did not perform correctly in this case.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SkyDemon performed absolutely correctly. We interpret coordinates given in the free-text part of the NOTAM only when we can do so with virtually 100% confidence of accuracy. When you introduce arcs and other items into the text, we cannot be nearly so sure of accuracy so we choose to show the circle of influence instead. We are not willing to take the risk of depicting a shape given in free-text incorrectly, and other software may well have different policies in that regard.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 201
Many thanks for the explanation. I understand your reasoning.
Perhaps we should convince AUS to ensure that NOTAM originators do so in the correct format.

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