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exporting SkyDemon FPL to Garmin G1000

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Can I export a SkyDemon FPL for using it with Garmin G1000 ?

If yes, which export format should I use ?

Thank you for your response.

By the way, trying to export a fpl to Garmin, etc. causes an error (see attached file).
error message.pdf (1K views, 72.00 KB)
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I don't know about the G1000 or what format it uses, not being a handheld GPS. How do you transfer a route normally on to that device?

Regardless, you should not be getting the error message you posted. Can you tell me what version of SkyDemon you are running?

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I don't know the Garmin G1000 import format at the moment ; I will check this point and go bact to you (obviously, it does exist and SD card is the media).

You will find enclosed the skydemon version panel (pdf attached).



Sky version.pdf (982 views, 47.00 KB)
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks. We don't export that system right now, but if you'd like to find out what format the system uses we'll see if we can add support for it.

If you already have another application that supports exporting routes on to an SD card for that system, please export one and upload the file here so we can take a look at it.

John Jeffrey
John Jeffrey
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This is probably long since overtaken by events, but I thought I'd add my three pennyworth anyhow, in case it helps.  I too have been baffled about getting Flight Plans into the G1000, and I now have at least half an answer!  Here are some extracts from recent correspondence I started on PPrune, but the short version is that FliteStar and Voyager packages, at least, export in the appropriate format.

"SkyDemon Lite is the only package I have tried so far, and it seems to do nearly all the pre-flight work that I am likely to want for my (so far) unambitious plans for flying VFR around UK. The only thing missing is the ability to transfer the plan (or at least waypoints) to an SD card that can be inserted into the G1000 in the Club's C172. Garmin don't seem to understand the question when I put it to them! Anybody out there succeeded in doing it?"

Later -

"OK, by fiddling with the corrupt links I have just partly answered my own question. This is what I eventually found in Garmin's FAQs:
Question: </SPAN>Can I plan an aviation route or flight plan on the computer and transfer it to the GPS?


There are several Garmin devices that will import flight plan information created on a computer. Currently, the following products with the lastest software support imported flight plans:
  • G1000
  • 400W-500W series
  • G3X
  • GPSMAP 696 / 695
Garmin does not sell or provide programs that can create the flight plans. However, flight plans created on Jeppesen's FliteStar and Seattle Avionics' Voyager programs are compatible.
Last modified on: </SPAN>04/26/2011

So Jepp's product and Voyager(?) will both do what I want. That does not answer my original question about formats, because I might not choose to buy either of these packages! So I would still love to find out:
  1. What are their output formats (so I can search for other packages using the same)?
  2. Has anybody actually done it, using one of these packages or any other? "

Congratulations on the product.  As an ex-RAF QFI I think I am a fairly demanding customer, but SkyDemon certainly does it for me.  If it eventually helps me put flight plans into the G1000, so much the better!

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Posts: 10, Visits: 26
Just in time for the UK bank holiday! The latest release of Skydemon 2.6.3 on Windows now produces Garmin fpl files in the correct format for loading into a G1000. A few notes on the G1000

1) Use route save as ...Garmin on Skydemon and save the file directly to an SD card. Names don't seem to matter

2) Take the card to your G1000. Remove the Cessna card from the top slot on the MFD (The right hand one)! and put it somewhere safe. You don't need it to fly but you must keep it for maintenance purposes. (it costs loads to replace)

3) Before you start the MFD insert the SD card. Putting the card in after the device is started doesn't seem to work for some reason.

4) Hit the FPL key on the MFD and turn the knob to bring up the FPL catalogue. Push the knob to select one slot

5) Select the bottom import softkey. (If you don't have one you need to update the firmware on the G1000 to seb-34-02. Depending on the age of your aircraft this may be chargeable. I paid £856 plus 2 hours labour.)

6) When you hit the import soft key you will see the fpl files you saved, select it and it imports

7) Remember you then have to activate it from the location saved!

Linking these two devices is incredibly powerful. I have created bad weather approaches for my home airfield and it work a treat.

A few points

1) You loose the names of Waypoints - they become Misc1,2,3 etc.
2) The G1000 sometimes renames the Waypoints

I have tested this on the G1000 and it is awesome. I am assuming it will also work on other Garmin devices. Let me know

Fly Safe


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