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Longitude and Latitude Format in Google Maps and SD

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 30, Visits: 293
nje many thanks for the reply, did what you suggested and it worked perfect thanks so all good.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 384, Visits: 4.2K
Nigel, Don't worry about the difference just do the following and it will work fine.

When in Google put your cursor over the location you want to use and then right click, a list will appear. Click on 'What's here'

you will then see the co-ordinates in the Google Address bar top left of screen. Just copy it (highlight>CTRL C) and then go back to skydemon.

Just right click on the chart at any location and choose ' Create user waypoint' give it a name and then paste the google co-ordinates into the 'positon line (CTRL V)

Your new waypoint will automatically position itself over your chosen location on the chart.

Hope this helps
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 30, Visits: 293
Hi could anyone help me with waypoints, I am trying to create some waypoints but when drilling down to a house or building in google maps to find it the co-ordinates given (Format) are different to those required for sky demon, so if i try to put them in when creating a waypoint it wont accept them, I must be missing something but cant work out what. I have a few waypionts saved from earlier versions of SD and the format for those 00******* the google co-ordinates dont have this 00, I have tried to put it in but this fails also?

Can anyone help please?


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