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Would it be possible to log my flights and datcon, just something simple, so that I am then doing everything in my SD?
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I think a logbook product would be a very useful addition at some stage. The current products on the market are disappointing. Tim's flair for writing easy-to-use intuitive software would be much welcomed I suspect. Also, as you suggest, the ability to update logbook entries pretty much automatically when you synch your Skydemon mobile with your PC would be a nice touch.
Having said that, I do think that the most pressing needs for Skydemon now are to get it running securely on the full range of platforms (the iPad is a must, despite Tim's initial reservations) and to get the mapping accurate and impressive. The only decriers who don't like Skydemon at my club cite the quality of the mapping as their major gripe when it is compared to the half million NATS charts. I don't actually agree with them, but I understand where they are coming from.
Tim Dawson
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There are no known accuracy issues with our chart; it's more accurate than the CAA chart for most of the year and much clearer all year round. Referring to the original post, doing a logbook app isn't currently something we're looking at.
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I too think a logbook would be useful, but I don't think it would have to be a standalone app. Maybe an area of the screen could be touched to input initial Hobbs reading, then when flight logging stops at the end of the flight the GPS could ask for the end Hobbs. That way 'loggable' time could be measured. Obviously these prompts could be turned off if the pilot elects to log using the traditional method.
Couple this with a 'Pilot Profile' alongside the 'Aircraft' button in Plan's menu where hours outside of SD could be entered, flight conditions and comments could be added or omitted from logs and pilot qualifications could be added. It could also do calculations such as 90-day rule currency etc. eventually. The print center could also allow queries and reports to be printed straight from the flight logs.
As I said, it doesn't necessarily have to be a standalone app, SD already has the capability.
Personally, I keep a backup of my logbook on a spreadsheet I made. It has separate tabs for Aircraft, Airfields, Flights etc. and can tell me when my 90 days are up, how current my charts are, when my ratings & medicals expire, when my life jackets & PLB need servicing & various other things.
Marc B
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I use SkyDemon since a couple of months on my PC and i have tried the new version on IPAD1 with IOS 5.0.
That seems to be on top: Congratulations it's very nice.
Just a question(from a beginer): is it possible to transfert my data (nav, log) from PC to Ipad (cloud (Icloud, Dropbox...)? email...?)
Marc B
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I agree with Mr_Rodge post. A simple form of Hobbs recording would be, at least, a useful feature to have for post flight logging/billing purposes. I am using the Mobile MD now and notice it retains a flight record and track, which looks spot on. A great bit of kit this is too may I say. I could make use of the scratch pad on Mobile MD to record this sort of info, but in reality I'll most likely to continue scribbling it down on the knee where such features are not yet available.
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AndyP - Doesn't the 'Start Logging' switch under 'flight' cover the hobbs time issue for you, it starts recording when clicked. I haven't used it but presumably it stops again when clicked
Tim Dawson
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Yes, if you start flight logging manually then your logs will have two values: logged time and flight time. The most common use for this feature is to log engine time.
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In a club environment where Hobbs recording is used for entering flights into the system in 0000:00 format, it's just nice to have a way of punching 6538:15 (start) 6539:55 (end) for example, into the device, but obviously not essential. Just to emphasis, the Hobbs units for whichever aircraft are read off cumulative usage so wont ever commence 0000:00.
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All, I too would love a log book from SkyDemon!! The iPad app is very simple and intuitive and a delight to use. (going to get an iPad mini as I fly helicopters and the iPad is a bit big and blocks out the view) By using the iPad it has so much more to offer and I would love to have my logbook on there as well.. I'd even suggest that all the logbook apps that are currently available (and I have tested many) are over complex. I think most of them have been written for the professional airline pilot and not suitable for us GA Pilots?? (although you can switch features off but you still have to pay for them). So SkyDemon what do you say? Have you had any more thoughts on developing a simple logbook app? If it integrates with the nav app it would be a bonus but at this stage not essential. So come on I know a load of pilots that would buy it so get it done!! Waiting in anticipation... Owain Davies