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Select GPS source separately from traffic

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
Hi team SD. I can appreciate this is probably a minority use case, but I have my Avidyne 440, iPad, and SkyEcho all on the same WiFi network.

I would love to be able to use the Avidyne as the GPS source in SkyDemon so I benefit from the external antennas, and the “send to Avidyne” flightplan functionality built into SD.

But then I can’t see any of the traffic the SkyEcho is detecting (or the SafeSky app if using that). To see the traffic, I have to either connect to the SkyEcho directly in SD, or the GDL90 option to use SafeSky. In both cases the GPS source appears to be the SkyEcho.

Perhaps this is a fundamental limitation of how these sources connect to SD but do let me know if there’s any way around it.

Many thanks! ed
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
As a quick follow up, it seems ForeFlight has a good approach here where there's a predetermined hierarchy of position sources and it will always use the highest one it can find, regardless of whether it's receiving traffic from another source.


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