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SD bluetooth radio frequencies to Dynon Skyview

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 17
I've got SD sending data to the Skyview HDX1100 for the AP (shows as a HSI source) via the dynon serial feeds but we cant get the Dynon to use the supplied radio frequency via the serial feed and the integrated radio (essentially a trig ty91 unit) seems to use a 485 SCSI bus not 232 comm protocol so feeding the 232 feed into the normal pin in the radio just produces an error. I'd be nice to feed the radio freqencies from SD as the database in the Dynon is a bit 'American' and it rarely selects the right freq from the list of possibles automatically and it's a few button pushes to bring up the full list and select from that, and that's after you've looked up the right one to use on SD!! . 
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
I'm not sure what the question is here. SkyDemon can send frequencies to a Trig radio, but you'd probably have to connect SkyDemon directly to the radio. I have no idea what will happen if you try to involve a Dynon unit in the conversation as well.

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