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Weather forecast or flyable conditions informations

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TAF and METAR or wind intensity are same with other official Meteo Stations, but the graphic situation depicted when I use the Animate function is much different from SkyDemon to other Meteo forecast like SkySight or Windy.
An example, during winter, is not easy to plan a fly if your Meteo show, with the Animate function, Ceiling 0 ft AGL , and if I check with a local webcam or different meteo system, for the same spot or nearby and at the same Z time, I see a CAVOK situation.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Are you talking about our Flyable Conditions feature? If so, other providers do not have this, as it's developed just for us.

Like any forecast, it is not perfect. If you have specific situations where you think its output is very different to actual conditions that developed, you can feed that back through customer support and we will in turn feed it back to the company that produces the model for us, for investigation.

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Tim Dawson - 12/4/2024 10:37:20 AM
Are you talking about our Flyable Conditions feature? If so, other providers do not have this, as it's developed just for us.

Like any forecast, it is not perfect. If you have specific situations where you think its output is very different to actual conditions that developed, you can feed that back through customer support and we will in turn feed it back to the company that produces the model for us, for investigation.

OK, I agree that forecast is never perfect, but depend from who you get the data and the model used.
Who is developing for SkyDemon the Flyable Conditions and which Model is used ? ECMWF, UKV, GFS, ICON-EU, AROME, HRRR, + many others.....dependent the Area and the Time on the future ?.

On Windy, for example, if I use model ICON-EU is predicting 4 days of the cloud base, rain or other flyable conditions, maybe not perfect, but I can decide which day and time to takeoff.....
With SkyDemon, on the Route, Fight Details, Takeoff, I can decide the Specific Date/Time and on the SkyDemon manual at page 41 is written: "The map will turn pink if there is no Flyable Conditions forecast data available for the time period you have selected"   If I select tomorrow or within 6 hours takeoff are the Flyable Conditions reliable ? After how many hours the map become pink ?
I think is important to know the validity of the time of the weather forecast.

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In my experience the maximum time the Flyable Conditions are shown is from current time to current time + 2 hours. The screen turns pink two hours later than now. So there is no planning available for later in the day or tomorrow or even later.
You can experiment with this by setting a take off time at your current time and then chose "Animate" in the Weather drop-down menu.
The flyable condition will be shown and you can pause or run the animation from the box at the bottom of the map.
The feature is only a short term "prediction".
See screenshot.
Not sure if all is right but it's the way I see it.

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pgroell - 12/6/2024 8:08:23 AM
In my experience the maximum time the Flyable Conditions are shown is from current time to current time + 2 hours. The screen turns pink two hours later than now. So there is no planning available for later in the day or tomorrow or even later.
You can experiment with this by setting a take off time at your current time and then chose "Animate" in the Weather drop-down menu.
The flyable condition will be shown and you can pause or run the animation from the box at the bottom of the map.
The feature is only a short term "prediction".
See screenshot.
Not sure if all is right but it's the way I see it.

Seems correct to me too.  I also tested and 2 hours is the maximum time, therefore the manual is not correct: 
Pag 41 "The map will turn pink if there is no Flyable Conditions forecast data available for the time period you have selected"
should be amended or better clarified about.
If during fly we can get Internet connection the time will be extended for another 2 hours, but very rarely internet is available at an altitude more than 3000 ft. 
Other weather app are more useful, they have a forecast for a day or next days, would be good to see these forecast on SkyDemon.
I like SkySight or Windy, you can draw a route from departure and arrival, setting the speed to determine the flying time and the day and time to takeoff.
I have used them during this foggy season or low ceiling and it is reliable.
A solution would be ADLConnect , but for the time, still to expensive.. Angry

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SkyDemon is not a weather app.

Flyable Conditions is a nowcast, these are short-term forecasts. The spatial resolution is far better than any other model you're likely to find, but it is not a longer-term model.

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Tim Dawson - 12/16/2024 11:00:03 AM
SkyDemon is not a weather app.

Flyable Conditions is a nowcast, these are short-term forecasts. The spatial resolution is far better than any other model you're likely to find, but it is not a longer-term model.

OK nowcast last for about 2 hours, but the "Flyable Conditions" disappear as soon I take off even if Internet is still connected.
Is this specified in the manual ? I thought it should be,.... It's difficult to explain to novice pilots that the weather changed to CAVOK Smile

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yes, I am sure the manual confirms that certain weather overlays are not available in flight. It is a forecast and not designed for real-time tactical usage.

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