SkyDemon Forums

Weather forecast or flyable conditions informations

By Tim Dawson - 12/16/2024 11:00:03 AM

SkyDemon is not a weather app.

Flyable Conditions is a nowcast, these are short-term forecasts. The spatial resolution is far better than any other model you're likely to find, but it is not a longer-term model.
By giannisd - 12/25/2024 1:42:42 PM

Tim Dawson - 12/16/2024 11:00:03 AM
SkyDemon is not a weather app.

Flyable Conditions is a nowcast, these are short-term forecasts. The spatial resolution is far better than any other model you're likely to find, but it is not a longer-term model.

OK nowcast last for about 2 hours, but the "Flyable Conditions" disappear as soon I take off even if Internet is still connected.
Is this specified in the manual ? I thought it should be,.... It's difficult to explain to novice pilots that the weather changed to CAVOK Smile
By Tim Dawson - 1/2/2025 10:17:59 AM

Yes, I am sure the manual confirms that certain weather overlays are not available in flight. It is a forecast and not designed for real-time tactical usage.
By giannisd - 12/3/2024 3:54:15 PM

TAF and METAR or wind intensity are same with other official Meteo Stations, but the graphic situation depicted when I use the Animate function is much different from SkyDemon to other Meteo forecast like SkySight or Windy.
An example, during winter, is not easy to plan a fly if your Meteo show, with the Animate function, Ceiling 0 ft AGL , and if I check with a local webcam or different meteo system, for the same spot or nearby and at the same Z time, I see a CAVOK situation.