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Where is the Weekend view?

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Oh I see. And pretty nice, thanks for pointing this out.

In that case excuse my wrong statement and the time it cost you. I must have overlooked the thin grey-dashed line. Thanks for providing awesome software!

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Also, you don't need to wait until the weekend to try it. Just set your takeoff time, and SkyDemon fades airspace appropriately for your planned flight.

It is also impossible to get caught out by this when flying, because when you're flying, SkyDemon knows exactly what time it is.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It is drawn faded.

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Tim Dawson - 8/12/2024 9:35:12 AM
I think you're operating under a misapprehension.

SkyDemon doesn't hide airspace in weekend view. It's simply faded out as it's likely inactive, just the same as we do with NOTAM-activated airspace or AUP-activated airspace.

Thank you for the quick reply.

For me the whole question came up after I did a simulated flight in SD in the Frankfurt area. I did the simulation last saturday and the CTR of ETOU was completely missing in SD (v3.16.16.0). When I long pressed into the area where it should have been the pop-up said the airspace wasn't depicted as SD is in weekend mode (or something in that sense). I'm pretty sure that the airspace wasn't just "faded" e.g. like inactive restricted areas but simply not there at all - but I'll double check next weekend.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I think you're operating under a misapprehension.

SkyDemon doesn't hide airspace in weekend view. It's simply faded out as it's likely inactive, just the same as we do with NOTAM-activated airspace or AUP-activated airspace.

Edited 8/12/2024 9:35:29 AM by Tim Dawson
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Although I understand the intention I wonder if too much "automatic / dynamic hiding", especially of airspaces, is a good thing. As a pilot I don't know exactly where the underlying data of an app / SD is coming from or if it's always 100% accurate or up to date. 

So at least for me, I try to always have all (potentially important) information on my screen and that is - as a minimum - a digital chart that corresponds to the "official" one (where all airspaces are depicted, even the ones that are only partially active). 

So even if it somewhat defeats the purpose of a digital chart (being able to dynamically change things) I would appreciate an option to turn weekend view OFF and see inactive "clutter".

I really don't want to end in a situation where I'll unintentionally fly into an airspace because I "trusted" SD (which didn't depict it bc of the weekend view) but it was active because of whatever reason....

(e.g. maybe you had the "weekdays only" airspace present during your planning and cross checking with the official chart but lets be honest: once you're airborne you trust what you see and that will be probably SD 80% of the time and 20% the official chart. So there is the real probability that you'll fly into an area where there might be an airspace that you aren't aware of at the time - which simply isn'!)

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There is no more explicit Weekend View option. Instead, SkyDemon will automatically fade airspace if you are flying at a weekend, or planning a flight for a weekend (and you've set your takeoff time accordingly). This is so that we can support more dynamic hiding of airspace based on its activity days/times, far beyond a simple weekend view.
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Hello Forum,

after the last update of SD I miss the button „weekend view on/off“ to show or hide airspaces.

Does anyone have an idea?


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