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Positional Alerts (ie as one passes a Waypoint)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 13, Visits: 181
I’d like to suggest SD has the option to add a free text alert (like the ones for timers) but assign them to waypoints (WP). The idea is that one could place a WP at an RPS boundary and as that WP is passed an alert would pop up with “Call for new RPS”. Alternatively, one could set up a WP 10 nm from a destination airfield which could say “Call for airfield info”.  I have timers set up for FREDA/tank changes at 30 min intervals but these never coincide with my destination arrival so it could also be useful to set a WP alert at a destination ATZ boundary (or TOD) such that you get a reminder to do a pre-arrival FREDA.

It might be said you should be able to remember to make a radio call or do a FREDA check as you approach a destination overhead, but you could also say you should be able to recall to do regular FREDA checks yet SD timed alerts are provided so why not other aids.

Realise this is similar to "Pop up comment" but by assigning to WP's this would mean the rules on when to activate would be the same as for route tuning WP's.  If you modified the route in flight then guess all the WP's become redundant but at least you have it for the times the plan is followed. 

Edited 11/13/2023 11:35:57 AM by BS
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
There's a thread very similar to this one, it might be the one you allude to. Most of the difficulties remain. Although you want to attach the alerts to waypoints, would you imagine the alerts would be saved along with your route, or with your general SkyDemon settings? Again, what happens if the route is changed? What happens if you turn around and approach the waypoint again in the same flight?
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 13, Visits: 181
Tim Dawson - 11/20/2023 10:38:33 AM
There's a thread very similar to this one, it might be the one you allude to. Most of the difficulties remain. Although you want to attach the alerts to waypoints, would you imagine the alerts would be saved along with your route, or with your general SkyDemon settings? Again, what happens if the route is changed? What happens if you turn around and approach the waypoint again in the same flight?

I'd imagine the alert would be saved with the route as it's route specific and if the route was changed it would be necessary to move the WP (with the alert) to match the new route (ie if WP was for an RPS boundary or at a 10 nm from destination airfield then if the route was changed these WP's would need to reviewed and changed by the user too.
As for reversing the direction whilst on the route, i'd suggest it would do whatever SD does at the moment if you reverse a route.  I've not done it in the air but in simulate mode if you turn around on a route the route directions seem to continue to direct you back to the route.  I guess if you formally reverse a route mid flight then that will need to consider if the WP (with alert ) is still relevant for that new route so again for the user to decide.

As it happens I've just set up named WP's on my route to do this for me, so set up WP's named "Call XXX airfield" or "Check RPS" and as that is displayed on my route it seems to do most of what I need.   


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