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Nearest ATIS

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Posts: 10, Visits: 37

I'm relatively new to Skydemon, so sorry if this is kind of a newbie question (and I've already kind of RTFMed).

I like the feature that shows the nearest QNH in the Radio tab when navigating (under "Pressure Setting"). I was wondering if it was possible to also have the nearest ATIS frequency (not the content like I've read in another post, just the frequency of the nearest ATIS relative to your position while flying).


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johas - 10/16/2023 3:37:24 PM

I'm relatively new to Skydemon, so sorry if this is kind of a newbie question (and I've already kind of RTFMed).

I like the feature that shows the nearest QNH in the Radio tab when navigating (under "Pressure Setting"). I was wondering if it was possible to also have the nearest ATIS frequency (not the content like I've read in another post, just the frequency of the nearest ATIS relative to your position while flying).


Just touch on a nearby airport when you are flying and all its frequencies, including ATIS if it has one, will be listed on the ‘What’s Here’ popup. Given that only the more established airfields and airports have ATIS it isn’t difficult to pick the closest with it.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
That's an interesting suggestion Johas - would you like me to move this to the Suggestions forum so others can weigh in?
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Posts: 10, Visits: 37
Thanks for the replies.
Yes Tim, I'd love to see what others think about that. Thank you for the sugestion.


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