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Feature Requests: ETE Pilot Log + wind strenght in kt and other speeds in km/h + street address in...

Feature Requests: ETE Pilot Log + wind strenght in kt and other speeds...
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 21
Hi SkyDemon team,

I fly since many years with SD and I still missing 3 little things at the moment in your great software:

Sometimes in a flight the FIS want's to know the time until one or more specific waypoints in the route will be reached/overflown. The next waypoint is easy to report via the menu on the top (DST NXT + ETE NXT). But the 2nd, 3rd waypoint (and so on) is not easy to say from the actual position. Therefore it would be great, if the LIVE PLOG (in flight) could show also the (updated) ETE (and perhaps DST) from the actual position of the plane to the specific waypoint (similiar to the ETA/ATA column). At the moment I have to "calculate/estimate" the minutes via my brain out of the ETA from the LIVE-PLOG (not easy sometimes). And I know...this information is already there, because as a workaround I can tap near the next waypoint in the moving map and it shows the estimated "Dist + Time". But this workaround with the map tipping is not easy to handle, because:
- sometimes you have to scroll therfore in the moving map
- you can't tap the waypoint itself on the route (because than the route is highlighted and not the information/time to the waypoint)
- you don't have the needed information on one page like you could have in the LIVE-PLOG

2. Wind strenght in knots
At the moment you can change the speed units from knots (kt) to kilometres per hour (kmph). But it would be great, if you could change it independet from each other (speed and wind). In this case you could see the GS in km/h (or miles per hour (mph)) and the wind in knots.

3. Street address in flight
It happens more than once that I like to create a user-waypoint in the actual flight (address of a friend f.e.). But via the search menu you are not able to search for "street addresses" in flight. This is only possible at the ground in the planning menu. But why...if you have a working internet connection in flight it should be possible to search also other information the DB.

Best regards,

Edited 8/7/2023 8:14:01 AM by knaumann

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