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Type of flight other than "G"

Fabrizio Albonico
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Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Hi, I recently started a transition to a new type and my instructor was told by the airport authority to set "X-ray" into field #8 "type of flight" (and add "RMK/SCHOOL FLIGHT" into #18) of the ICAO flight plan. I was unable to set "X" as the Type of flight, as SD only allows to set VFR/IFR/Mixed.
Any help greatly appreciated - thanks!

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We'd consider this if enough people wanted it - would you like me to move this thread to the Suggestions forum?
Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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For me, this was a legit reason many times to file outside of SD. At some airports, it's a condition to have a reduced 'training' landing fee.

Also, the remark that SkyDemon inserts by default (PILOT xyz +123456789) is not commonly used. The name of the PIC should go to the designated field and the phone number should be prefixed with "CREW CONTACT".
The "Created by SkyDemon" remark looks pretty much unprofessional, I would prefer to opt out instead of removing each time manually.

Fabrizio Albonico
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Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Tim Dawson - 5/26/2023 9:06:19 AM
We'd consider this if enough people wanted it - would you like me to move this thread to the Suggestions forum?

Yes please - I was under the assumption that it was somehow manageable using the interface. Many thanks, Tim.
I second laso Adam's suggestions about the pilot name (in #19 "C" field) and the Crew Contact in #18. This is standard practice at least in Switzerland. 
All the best

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

Edited 5/26/2023 1:41:08 PM by Fabrizio Albonico
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
You are not correct about the pilot name and telephone number. By default in an ICAO flightplan those are put into supplementary information, which is not routinely transmitted alongside the main part of the flightplan. Many countries will reject a flightplan that contains the supplementary information in the initial transmission. That is why we include the information in the main part of the flightplan, in Item 18. It is used on a daily basis by ATC agencies across Europe to contact pilots who have filed with SkyDemon, where necessary.

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