+x acteck - 3/3/2023 7:56:54 AM+x grahamb - 3/2/2023 6:52:31 PMToday I flew for half an hour or so locally, landed, back-tracked and took off for another circuit. From a legal and logging perpective it was a single flight. Skydemon records it as two seperate logs.It like to merge them, and when I do that SkyDemon appears to create a single log file, but won't save it as a new log as the name it uses exists already. I can see why, but is there a way this could be resolved?I can affirm, it does not work and there is no way to change the name of the log file.I have the problem, that the broken parts are shown in the list of logs (CTRL-L), I open the first part and want to merge another part. A windows opens with the folder for the logs on windows but there are no other logs. Only if I open manualy the other parts and close them, they are as files in the log folder. But then open the first part again and merge, there is this error with existing file. Can anyone help me. Perhaps I make some errors?
+x grahamb - 3/2/2023 6:52:31 PMToday I flew for half an hour or so locally, landed, back-tracked and took off for another circuit. From a legal and logging perpective it was a single flight. Skydemon records it as two seperate logs.It like to merge them, and when I do that SkyDemon appears to create a single log file, but won't save it as a new log as the name it uses exists already. I can see why, but is there a way this could be resolved?