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Save Notes & Include them in the Debriefing Pack

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During my flight, or after, I often write some important / interesting notes for this flight, that I could potentially need to do it again.
It would be great if the notes can be saved into the traces + debriefing pack.
Do you plan to add this feature ?

Thanks a lot.

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cutmaster - 7/31/2022 4:38:07 PM
During my flight, or after, I often write some important / interesting notes for this flight, that I could potentially need to do it again.
It would be great if the notes can be saved into the traces + debriefing pack.
Do you plan to add this feature ?

Thanks a lot.

The feature already exists. When you select the Log for a previous flight, scroll to the bottom of the popup and there is a link to allow you to edit notes for that flight (this is on a tablet, I’m not at a PC to confirm how to do it in Windows). These notes are included in the debrief pack.

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grahamb - 7/31/2022 8:38:16 PM
cutmaster - 7/31/2022 4:38:07 PM
During my flight, or after, I often write some important / interesting notes for this flight, that I could potentially need to do it again.
It would be great if the notes can be saved into the traces + debriefing pack.
Do you plan to add this feature ?

Thanks a lot.

The feature already exists. When you select the Log for a previous flight, scroll to the bottom of the popup and there is a link to allow you to edit notes for that flight (this is on a tablet, I’m not at a PC to confirm how to do it in Windows). These notes are included in the debrief pack.

Thanks for that but I'm talking about the note you can take with the note function you've got when you're in flight mode, the one that you draw with your finger (or your pencil if you have one).

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There's a logging function to save a little note where you are, which is then displayed in the briefing pack.

The scratchpad is designed for jotting down frequencies etc and isn't designed for saving (at present).

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Tim Dawson - 8/1/2022 9:03:54 AM
There's a logging function to save a little note where you are, which is then displayed in the briefing pack.

The scratchpad is designed for jotting down frequencies etc and isn't designed for saving (at present).

Too bad, think about it, it could be interesting to ask for it to be saved.
I often use it to note things (more or less important, but often important) on the flight and could be better to have it saved instead of taking a screenshot :/

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9K
Do you have a problem using the feature I alluded to above, that is actually designed for this purpose? Start -> Logging -> Write Note while you're in flight.

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