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Takeoff and landing calculation

Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)
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Posts: 6, Visits: 5
as far as I know, SD doesn't offer a calculation option for takeoff and landing except of the w&b calculation.
So what I do is to calculate takeoff and landing runs with an external tool and the flight manual.

What I would like to have is an option to capture the calculated figures in SD to have all necessary data in one place. 
I think the flight details section of a route could be a good place to store the data as it already contains e.g. w&b, fuel data, airplane information etc.

2 data fields for take off, representing ground roll and take off distance and the same for landing would be great. 

What do you think?
Best regards

Johannes B.
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mapl99 - 5/7/2022 3:20:39 PM
as far as I know, SD doesn't offer a calculation option for takeoff and landing except of the w&b calculation.
So what I do is to calculate takeoff and landing runs with an external tool and the flight manual.

What I would like to have is an option to capture the calculated figures in SD to have all necessary data in one place. 
I think the flight details section of a route could be a good place to store the data as it already contains e.g. w&b, fuel data, airplane information etc.

2 data fields for take off, representing ground roll and take off distance and the same for landing would be great. 

What do you think?
Best regards

Totally agree 

YouTube channel
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Posts: 89, Visits: 3.2K
Maybe try the search feature and see this has been done to death before.
Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)Too Much Forum (57 reputation)
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Posts: 6, Visits: 5
Hi Paul,
thanks for the advice. You are right, there is already a post concering this topic. Haven't thought about using the search option.

I understand that Tim is very reluctant about the implementation of an automated takeoff calculation. It's complex and error-sensitive.

But I haven't read an answer to the latest post by FlorianK of 07/31/2020. As myself, he asked for implementation of input data fields only, not for a complete calculation support. In addtion, he suggested the values in these fields to be printed or displayed in the pilot log.

So, not quite the same issue but similar.

Best regards

Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)Too Much Forum (367 reputation)
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Posts: 47, Visits: 149
Once again, there is no other take off and landing calculation as in your original POH or Owner's Manual of your specific serial number. Even the calculation methods are of such a variety that there seems to be no structure in it - not even among same aircraft but different variety, so how could one possibly do something halfway capable of replacing your own calculation?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I didn't understand the original question in this thread. I'm not clear what two fields are desired, and where. SkyDemon arrives at a total weight calculation, this is visible in the Flight Details pull-down, and a projected weight upon landing which is visible in the weight&balance screen. What other output from SkyDemon is helpful for your takeoff/landing performance calculations?

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