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Macbook M1 counted as a mobile device

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 0
I recently purchased Macbook with M1 chip, thus making it possible for me to use SkyDemon for iPad on it. Before I was using Windows version for planning purposes in a virtualised Windows, but this is now not so easy, with the only way do do so is using Insider Preview of Win10 for ARM (which isn't great if one seeks stability). Thus I hoped that I could use iPad app for planning on my Mac.

However, when I log in on Mac, it logs me out on either iPhone or iPad, probably because your licensing system assumes I'm using it on 3 mobile devices. Technically I'm however using it as licensed, with 2 mobile devices and 1 computer, so would there be a way for you to adjust it so that I don't get logged off when using it on Mac?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
At the moment your mac is running SkyDemon by pretending to be an iOS device, so that's the way the licensing works. If we were ever to release a version of SkyDemon specifically for mac then it would be different.

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