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Automatisch overlay of dfs approach Chart?

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Posts: 16, Visits: 1
Hi there,

Is there an option where the dfs approach Chart (with the report Ing point etc) is overlwyed automatically when approach an airfield? To be more precised the overlay could also be connect when clicking on plan an approach.

Kind regards,

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Hello Patrick, this is the way SkyDemon behaves by default, as long as you've got the plate downloaded.
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Tim Dawson - 7/26/2021 9:00:18 AM
Hello Patrick, this is the way SkyDemon behaves by default, as long as you've got the plate downloaded.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the speedy reply. At small airfield it works as described, I just tried it on simulation. One question: does skydemon automatically switch to and from the ground dfs charts?

However: I can't get it to work at airports. Dfs arrival chart does not appear in EDDG or EDDV. Can you check/confirm that? Is it because there are two charts available? (Arrival and approach chart). 

Kind regards

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
SkyDemon does automatically display airfield diagrams under certain circumstances.

In general, and this applies to both your questions, if there's more than one chart of a certain type downloaded for an airfield (arrival and approach) then SkyDemon does not make the decision for you. You will have to open the chart when you want it manually, and switch to the other when you want that one.


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