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Briefing Pack Functionality?

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I like this feature (especially the PLOG listing the enroute freqs and legs for the chosen route etc).  I don't really need to print out the maps but don't understand why:-
1) the default seems to be to render every document available before displaying it ready to print
2) it takes so long to prep (whilst i have quite a high spec PC, its still taking minutes)

So can i suggest:-
a) The first option after pushing the 'Briefing Pack' button is a dialog box where the user selects what they want generated (or at the very least, a user-sticky profile for the same inside the briefing pack settings)

Or maybe i'm doing something wrong?  I really only need the PLOG and the Airfield info on paper in the cockpit as i get the Met, W&B and NOTAMS from official sources . . .

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
The briefing pack does remember which parts are turned on and off, between separate usages of the tool. If you're not interested in parts of it, just turn them off, and SkyDemon won't turn them back on again next time.

Interesting that you don't consider SkyDemon a good source of NOTAM or met data, may I ask why? There is nothing more or less official than any other source of this data.

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Tim Dawson - 7/16/2021 9:18:54 AM
The briefing pack does remember which parts are turned on and off, between separate usages of the tool. If you're not interested in parts of it, just turn them off, and SkyDemon won't turn them back on again next time.

Interesting that you don't consider SkyDemon a good source of NOTAM or met data, may I ask why? There is nothing more or less official than any other source of this data.

Thanks for your reply Tim.
1) I acknowledge your answers but does the Briefing pack remember the user selections when it gets updated?  I always seem to be turning the unwanted pages off and the process is clunky - one page at a time then re-renders etc
2) I could have worded my comments better - i'm very happy with the integrity of the NOTAM, Met and Warnings data in Skydemon, I just don't need to print everything off and carry them all with me on a flight.  My flying school does also remind me to rely on official online AIS etc sources occasionally, and whilst endorsing any moving-map cockpit navigation aid - to be aware of the loss through disuse of the Air Navigation skills taught at PPL acquisition, e.g. using a paper map + heading + time.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation regarding #2. On the first point, yes SkyDemon remembers all your settings when updated from one version to the next.

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