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W&B default loading points not being used on old routes

Terence Scotcher
Terence Scotcher
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Posts: 19, Visits: 22
Tim Dawson - 6/7/2021 9:02:01 AM
You're not doing anything wrong, this is how it's designed to work. The idea is, if you're opening an old route, which you may have set up precisely, we don't want your weight and balance calculations being different. You could argue for the other case, of course (which clearly you have expected) but that is our reasoning.

Thanks, that's clear now.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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You're not doing anything wrong, this is how it's designed to work. The idea is, if you're opening an old route, which you may have set up precisely, we don't want your weight and balance calculations being different. You could argue for the other case, of course (which clearly you have expected) but that is our reasoning.
Terence Scotcher
Terence Scotcher
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 22
This must be an old topic (so apologies), but I've searched the forum and can't find the answer.
On my Windows box I have my W&B envelope set up in SD, and entered some default loading point weights for fuel and pilot weight etc.
When I open existing routes, even though SD tells me it's using the aircraft profile from my library and it's different from the one when the route was created, it doesn't use the default weights when I click on 'Weight' in the 'Flight Details'.
It does use them if I create a new route from scratch.
Also, on my iPad SD does use the defaults I have set, even on old routes.
I synced the aircraft profile with the cloud.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


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