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VFR cruising altitudes in the Flight Details window

Fabrizio Albonico
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Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Richard Branderhorst - 6/5/2024 4:33:46 PM
Here we go again. I video'd  the problem, but I can't upload it. It bluntly refuses to change altitude.

Having been there myself, I just share my workflow here in the hope it helps Richard and other people struggling.
  1. Start planning from scratch
  2. Define T/O and Landing point
  3. Go to Flight Details, set "Cruise Level" and see it change for the leg
  4. Drag/select/enter all waypoints, change altitude of each leg according to rules/terrain/personal preferences
As Tim correctly pointed out, if you select a level or drag a leg on the virtual radar to change it, the overall "Cruise level" set in Flight Details will be ignored. 
Hope this helps - all the best

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

Edited 6/12/2024 8:14:15 AM by Fabrizio Albonico
Richard Branderhorst
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Posts: 36, Visits: 20
Fabrizio, tks. So You say that setting the altitude is only possible when setting up the route, right at the beginning.
I have a lot of times that I want to change the general altitude in an already existing route, due to cloud base or wind direction/force, like on the day of the flight, I prepared a few day before. Or change the airplane used, which has another default level in its properties.
Changing the general altitude should not be such an unfriendly feature, the change of altitude should always work via "flight details".

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Richard, it does work. It works fine, and it has worked fine for tens of thousands of users over the fifteen years that SkyDemon has been offering vertical route planning. If you're struggling, give us a call, and someone will talk you through it.

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