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SkyDemon for IPAD

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 0
Hi All,

My first post in these forums, I want know what kind of iPad I’ll need for skydemon to work? The one with cellular and WiFi or just cellular? Also when flying will I need internet access to my iPad when using skydemon?

During my PPL training I was taught to use chart and dead reckoning navigation, but now since I’ve passed my skills test I am looking to invest into sky demon for my navigation and situational awareness backed up by CAA 1:500:000 VFR chart.

Thanks for your input.


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UA1775 - 3/31/2021 1:04:47 PM
tnowak - 4/1/2021 8:17:11 AM
pilot-byom - 4/1/2021 9:16:31 AM
FLYBARRY - 4/1/2021 1:48:23 PM
pilot-byom - 4/1/2021 2:23:15 PM
grahamb - 4/1/2021 4:23:00 PM
FLYBARRY - 4/1/2021 7:34:39 PM
TimT - 5/12/2021 8:00:33 PM
GGHKX - 5/15/2021 3:49:07 PM
Sky Painter - 5/15/2021 4:00:42 PM
                 Thank you.
GGHKX - 5/15/2021 4:03:58 PM
TimT - 5/15/2021 5:16:25 PM
grahamb - 5/15/2021 5:17:00 PM
GGHKX - 5/16/2021 8:06:14 AM
                         No, it hasn’t any. The GPS receiver sits on the cellular radio circuit...
TimT - 5/16/2021 10:28:58 AM
                             Thank you. The reason I ask is because when I tried it earlier at home...
GGHKX - 5/16/2021 5:11:35 PM
                         It's a minefield trying to recommend which traffic sensing box to buy;...
grahamb - 5/16/2021 5:39:36 PM
                             + x [quote] [b] grahamb - 5/16/2021 5:39:36 PM [/b]...
Robertvandortmond - 3/22/2022 11:34:26 AM
                             Dear Grahamb,You seem to be very knowledgable on this subject! Maybe...
Robertvandortmond - 3/22/2022 11:50:43 AM
                                 Have you tried it? Normally when you pair a bluetooth GNSS type...
grahamb - 3/22/2022 3:18:49 PM
                                     Ok, thanks! I get my plane in May…Robert
Robertvandortmond - 3/22/2022 5:06:04 PM
rmilkowski - 6/1/2021 8:41:09 PM
frankhopkins - 3/26/2022 12:17:24 PM
BJS - 3/26/2022 2:53:39 PM
Still_Learning - 4/16/2022 6:03:24 AM
fingertrouble - 6/8/2022 2:41:08 PM

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