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Windows - install as non-Administrator

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I would like to install SkyDemon on my work computer, where I generally don't have administrator rights. However SkyDemon for whatever reason requires the user to be an administrator (for installation). Is there a way to overcome this restriction?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 570, Visits: 27K - 3/29/2021 11:01:50 AM

I would like to install SkyDemon on my work computer, where I generally don't have administrator rights. However SkyDemon for whatever reason requires the user to be an administrator (for installation). Is there a way to overcome this restriction?
It's not for me to police your employer's InfoSec policies, but wouldn't a chat with your lT team resolve this?
Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)Junior Member (13 reputation)
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Posts: 2, Visits: 5
grahamb - 3/29/2021 11:26:32 AM - 3/29/2021 11:01:50 AM

I would like to install SkyDemon on my work computer, where I generally don't have administrator rights. However SkyDemon for whatever reason requires the user to be an administrator (for installation). Is there a way to overcome this restriction?
It's not for me to police your employer's InfoSec policies, but wouldn't a chat with your lT team resolve this?

I don't need it for work purposes, so they won't bother making an exception for this.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Our installer doesn't have that option. However, you can just copy the program files to anywhere you like, "installing" the software that way. SkyDemon should still run fine.

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