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Notams displayed incorrectly

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 2
I have noticed that a few notams have radius of x, but for some reason SkyDemon is increasing the radius of the notams and drawing the increased radius on the map. Attached is an example. Could this be fixed please.

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wyullg - 11/27/2020 4:27:38 PM
grahamb - 11/27/2020 4:31:46 PM
             That would explain that. Thank you
wyullg - 11/27/2020 4:36:47 PM
wyullg - 11/27/2020 4:34:36 PM
Tim Dawson - 11/30/2020 3:03:07 PM
pilot-byom - 12/10/2020 2:53:13 PM
Tim Dawson - 12/10/2020 3:46:09 PM
pilot-byom - 12/11/2020 2:49:56 PM
grahamb - 12/11/2020 3:59:55 PM
                     Because it is two coordinates and Pythagoras, so up to 1.4nm...
pilot-byom - 12/12/2020 9:51:43 AM
                         Gosh, how did we manage when NOTAM were published unfiltered in text...
grahamb - 12/12/2020 10:57:55 AM
                             There is no rule NOTAM Q-lines are mathematically rounded and the one...
pilot-byom - 12/13/2020 9:20:37 AM
                                 I still disagree, but it's not worth arguing about. However, I...
grahamb - 12/13/2020 10:24:04 AM
Tim Dawson - 12/14/2020 10:11:06 AM
pilot-byom - 12/14/2020 3:29:33 PM
Tim Dawson - 12/15/2020 11:59:27 AM
tnowak - 12/16/2020 7:10:28 AM
Tim Dawson - 12/16/2020 3:59:41 PM
riverrock - 3/5/2021 8:49:22 AM

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