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Problems with Pilot Notes

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I'm running SkyDemon plan on a fresh install of Windows 10. When accessing Pilot Notes for an airfield, I get the following (approximate) error message:

An error has occurred in the script of this page
Line: 107
Character: 3
Error: The property or method addEventListener is not supported by the object
Code: 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? (Yes/No)

(The error message is given in Swedish -- I have translated it but the exact wording on an English language system may be different.)

 The problem does not happen on Android or iOS platforms.

Also, it seems like a number of notes have been removed from at least my airfield (ESKC) and the star ratings have also disappeared (on all platforms). I don't find anything in the version history about this.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's always worth upgrading to the latest version, but you may need to contact customer support for advice on this one.
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Tim Dawson - 4/14/2020 8:53:02 AM
It's always worth upgrading to the latest version, but you may need to contact customer support for advice on this one.

You're right... I was relying on SkyDemon notifying me about updates. It has always worked in the past but for some reason doesn't seem to have worked for the last few updates!

Anyway the problem persists, so I'll contact support.

What about the pilot notes that have been removed and the disappeared star ratings? That's the same on Android and iOS devices.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I guess there hadn't been any for a long while. Once a certain time period has elapsed, old notes and ratings are no longer shown I think. It's quite a long time though.
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Tim Dawson - 4/14/2020 9:05:27 AM
I guess there hadn't been any for a long while. Once a certain time period has elapsed, old notes and ratings are no longer shown I think. It's quite a long time though.

I strongly advocate displaying pilot notes for longer. In some rarely visited places, otherwise important information disappears. For me, no pilot notes before 2022 are shown which is a pity.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Yes, the threshold is currently two years. If there is something ongoing and important to know about an airfield, would it not be reasonable to expect it to be re-posted at least once every two years?
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I disagree. Imagine an airfield, eg in the french province, where two pilots/year are posting pireps. Every second of these posts describes infrastructure. Every fourth of them describes the transport from/to the airfield. Tricky wind conditions are described only every two years etc.

Have a look at You may grasp the meaning even if the posts are in german.
Some of the reports are more than five years old and still helpful. If it is ever necessary to limit the timespan reports are displayed, I would advocate for 5 ore 4 years.
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Alternatively, you could limit the number of posts displayed regardless of age, e.g. to 8-10 posts. That's enough to get an overview.
Edited 1/29/2024 4:27:00 PM by pseudonym
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Or not, if most entries are along the lines of ‘Lovely airfield, will come back’.
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grahamb - 1/29/2024 4:26:28 PM
Or not, if most entries are along the lines of ‘Lovely airfield, will come back’.

Too true.


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