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Problems with Pilot Notes

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
That's why we limit it. The output is not currently paginated, and nor do I really want it to be. So we have to put a break somewhere.

We could, as you say, go further back but limit the number returned, but that isn't useful because of the reason Graham alluded to.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 154, Visits: 445
What about a compromise? Show notes for the last couple of years BUT always a minimum number of notes, regardless of age.

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