I guess, many of us have upgraded their iphones and iPads to the latest iOS (which is 13.2 at the Moment?).
One negative effect is, that my iphone battery gets drained within a few hours even with SD (or others) not running.
But that is only ONE backdraw.
This morning, I found an article https://www.heise.de/mac-and-i/meldung/iOS-13-2-Radikales-Speichermanagement-macht-Multitasking-fast-unmoeglich-4574286.html (sorry it's in german) explaining, that the latest iOS stops applications running in Background in a radical manner, so the application Needs to be restarted and therefore loses Information. The Amazon app is named for having a Problem.
I did not try what happens to SD. on my last flight on sunday, i did not see any Problems, but I did not push it into Background to run another application.
Has someone seen a Problem?