+x Massimo Belloni - 2/14/2019 11:18:52 AMHello,I may have access to a iPad mini 2 Wifi, which I could dedicate exclusively to SD use, so I have a counple of simple question:Does anybody currently use a iPad mini 2? Is it powerful enough today to run SD? (in this case, does not matter if it is a wifi or a wifi+cell model, of course).Being wifi only, it needs a GPS unit. I would like the BadElf 1008 (https://bad-elf.com/pages/be-gps-1008-detail), which connects directly to the iPAD, avoiding wireless connection. The question is: does anybody use this GPS with an iPAD? (iPAD model, in this case, does not matter) Does it feed correctly the position data so that SD works fine?Many thanks in advance to all who will spend some time in replying.