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Merging flights sometimes fails

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I‌ am trying to merge flights where the recording was interrupted.
O‌ccasionally it works but often it doesn't I get the error "the logs cannot be merged because the second log appears to start from takeoff‌".
U‌sing PC version 3.9.4

I‌ have similar problem with Android

M‌ike A‌‌
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The feature is designed so that if your "second" log starts from takeoff, then it cannot possibly be a continuation of a previous, broken log. What were the circumstances of the flight(s) and log(s) in question?
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Tim Dawson - 6/25/2018 9:19:15 AM
The feature is designed so that if your "second" log starts from takeoff, then it cannot possibly be a continuation of a previous, broken log. What were the circumstances of the flight(s) and log(s) in question?

My tablet auto-rebooted (too hot?) the first section does not end on the ground and the second section did not start on the ground. Both are displayed all right as individual flights so not seriously corrupted. I will try to attach them using that +Insert button button below.

I‌'ve been on a long trip and I think it happened earlier (also not mergeable). ‌Later I forgot to plug in the charger and there was an interuption on that flight too (when the battery went flat) but those 2 flights merged fine.

O‌bviously I am not saying definitely it is the reason that the tablet stopped that affects the ‌mergeability but 2 times out of three |I could not merge.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks for posting them, that's really helpful. I can see that the code thinks the first log is starting from takeoff because your groundspeed is under 50 knots. However I can see that if you're flying something at the slower end of the spectrum, that might be perfectly normal, so clearly our code could use some tweaking. Is that the case?
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Tim Dawson - 6/26/2018 9:45:55 AM
Thanks for posting them, that's really helpful. I can see that the code thinks the first log is starting from takeoff because your groundspeed is under 50 knots. However I can see that if you're flying something at the slower end of the spectrum, that might be perfectly normal, so clearly our code could use some tweaking. Is that the case?

That is entirely possible especially as there was probably a head wind.
T‌hanks for looking into it. I hope you might be able to incorporate a change into a later version.
M‌ike Avison 

Martin Bech
Martin Bech
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Tim - would it be an idea to have the speeds for changing from starting, for takeoff to flying and for flying to landing in the aircraft profile. As I read in your comment SD today uses a fixed speed of 50kt for that.

UL's 40kt, Cessna 60kt, Commander 80kt - different landing and takeoff speeds.

Given the possibility to set the speeds is also giving the possibility to chose when airport charts , taxi charts and area charts should popup or disappear.

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Martin Bech - 7/2/2018 7:31:30 AM

Tim - would it be an idea to have the speeds for changing from starting, for takeoff to flying and for flying to landing in the aircraft profile. As I read in your comment SD today uses a fixed speed of 50kt for that.

UL's 40kt, Cessna 60kt, Commander 80kt - different landing and takeoff speeds.

Given the possibility to set the speeds is also giving the possibility to chose when airport charts , taxi charts and area charts should popup or disappear.

While flying SD tells you height but I guess this is not in the track log? It would be a useful solution. The trouble with speed is that it doesn't take account of head winds, with STOL types this can reduce ground speed to virtually zero. Why not just have a prompt that warns the user that ground speed was low and check if they really want to merge the tracks?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I don't recall that we prevent a merger if that is the case. What message did you see?
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Tim Dawson - 7/9/2018 8:37:24 AM
I don't recall that we prevent a merger if that is the case. What message did you see?

Hi Tim, I guess your last message was aimed at Semperfi, in the case of different aircraft stopping the merge. However I'd be interested in what you think of my suggestion in respect of 2 flights where the second one starts at less than 40 knotts. I suggested that SD could just give a warning to the user and allow them to confirm that they want to go ahead and merge the flights. As well as STOL aircraft I expect the current code would not suit helicopter pilots?

Thanks for thinking about this.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It depends. I'd like to see how our changes to the code work before making further changes. SkyDemon won't stop logging if a helicopter pilot stops in mid-air, so we haven't really seen this be an issue.

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