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IFR with SkyDemon : Some experiences

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 99, Visits: 114
As the IFR capabilities are quite new, I fell free to tell some of my experiences in handling IFR flights.
Maybe i am doing something wrong and there is a‌ already a good way of handling some Problems which I do not know.

in general, I do the routing and filing my flight plans with which works perfect.
Via telegram, I get a SD-flightplan-file, which I can directly open on my iPad - works flawlessly.

Case 1:
The Routing loaded, SD has about 5 Waypoints in this case, ending on EDDV.
As usual fro German ATC, my flightplan is just rubbish 15 miuntes after departure.
I get a direct-to ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌a waypoint which is NOT on my filed route, but nearby.
- Therefore, I set a direct-To on SD in flight.
- ‌F***!!!!‌ My complete Routing is lost, i have a new one ending at the direct-to, but not at EDDV
- As a consequence, I add EDDV again after the direct-to
- Later on, i can load the Approcah Chart and fly it - great!

Case 2:
EDDV - > EDFZ, again IFR  with departure-route this time
the generated flightplan contains already the departure-route with waypoints.
- Loading the GPS-overlay-Chart for the departure Shows the waypoints perfectly matching with the Chart. Cool.
- ATC gives me the clearance with excatly that departure‌
- rest of the flight same problem as in case 1 with the direct-tos.

But what happens, when ATC does NOT give me‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ the pre-assigned dpearture?
On a GNS430 or their companions, I simply throw out the departure and throw in the new one.

‌Okay, that's for now.‌‌ Maybe there are good ideas how to handle this.

An don't tell me, SD is for VFR!. SD is far beyond being VFR-related only!!!‌‌

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