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NOTAM issue

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Posts: 20, Visits: 494
Hello Team,
The NOTAM for LFDM covering the musical event "Garorock" calls for a 1 NM circle centered on the event (Surface to 1000').
It is a circle of 1 NM centered on the event, positioned at QDR 251/1.7NM of LFDM ARP.
The way SD depicts it is a circle of 5NM instead.
This would mean access to LFDM is totally forbidden. (screen shot attached)
Any misinterpretation of the NOTAM data ?

Windows 7 (SD 11.31348.0)
Issues_NOTAMS.pdf (826 views, 361.00 KB)
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
No, that is simply the way that SIA have published the NOTAM. If you want them to reduce the effective radius of the NOTAM you will need to ask them. SkyDemon is just showing what is published.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 20, Visits: 494
Hi Tim,

I am bit confused.
Is SIA sending a different text format than the one used by SkyDemon in the attached screenshot ?
I would appreciate getting an example of what is it that you get so I can ask SIA for a suitable format.

NOTAM LFDM.pdf (698 views, 125.00 KB)
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Posts: 95, Visits: 16K
It is quite interesting :
The NOTAM says the radius is 1NM, but the Limits field shows 9.3km or in my case 5NM. This is what is depicted in SkyDemon.
Is the Limits field computed by SkyDemon or transmitted via the NOTAM in some hidden field.
On the same airport, there are three NOTAMS for trees and the Limits are very different.but they are displayed as yellow crosses only.
First has Limits : Sea Level-FL 999, 5 NM
Second : Sea Level-FL2, 1 NM
Third : Sea Level-FL999, 5 NM

On the other hand, there is a NOTAM at nearby Fauillet Model Airfield (South east LFDM), with Limits : Surface-AGL, 5 NM which shows as a 5NM circle.
I'm just curious at the logic for the display on the map.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
All NOTAM have a centre point and an effective radius. The effective radius of the OP NOTAM is/was 5nm. Is has been poorly defined, because a 1nm or perhaps 2nm (due to imprecision of centrepoint resolution) would be far more appropriate. Again, this is how the NOTAM is published, it is nothing to do with SkyDemon.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 95, Visits: 16K
Thanks for your answers.
I did not know the center point and radius were included in the NOTAM (I found it's the end of the Q field).
So the issue lies with the people emitting the NOTAMs.


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