Hi SD Team,
Here are the official sources (web pages) of the POLAND AIPs:
(free registration is needed to use them)
AIP: ais.pansa.pl/aip
VFR AIP: ais.pansa.pl/vfr
MIL AIP: ais.pansa.pl/mil
Other source that I've used to verify missing supplements in Poland AIP is EAD webpage:
http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/publicuser/public/pu/login.doSo, for today situation is:
Here I take into account only supplements from 2016, numbered 100 and up:
SD application: 100, 101, 103, 104
EAD webpage: 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110
ais.pansa.pl webpage: 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111
Now I can see that 'SD supplements' are only supplements that are effective for today and EAD and ais.pansa.pl supplements are the same plus supplements from near future.
Maybe I can give a little suggestion here: if someone is planning flight for tomorrow or in the next few days, it will be very important to be able to look for supplements that will be effective at that time in the near future. Of course pilot needs to verify all informations immediately before flight (at the day of the flight), but if he/she has future informations before it will be effective it could be very helpful in longer term planing (flight and life planing).
And the second part, supplements not valid:
These supplements exists in SD and EAD but not at ais.pansa.pl
2014-75, 2015-06,07,19,103,105
If you look for example at one of above, 2014-75 you will see that it is effective from 2014-12-11 up to 2015-12-09 so it's not valid for today.
I hope that it helps.
Best regards,