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Shown though not yet effective

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Unfortunately the DFS provide their VFR plate update midway through the AIRAC cycle. It is a very strange way of providing data, but we adhere to it and publish the new plates at that time. Occasionally though they will include some plates which are not yet effective, which is unusual and obviously highly undesirable.

We have encouraged them to switch so that their VFR information is updated with IFR and all other aeronautical information in the world (i.e. on an AIRAC date) but there is no sign of them changing at this point. It is not straightforward for us to perform two chart updates when they provide the new plates in one.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 33, Visits: 141

I realised that for instance the charts for EDRZ are already the ones effective from 15 NOV. So if I go flying today I have charts on hand which are not yet effective.
Is it a general problem or just the case there?


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