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Crahes when loading georeferenced charts

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Experienced multiple crashes (Skydemon stops working) when loading georeferenced appraoch charts (DFS Germany) or Austrian Charts for VFR flights.  Happens since the latest Skydemon program update (just on abservation) - never before.
I re-started the device, same result, today 3 times already.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (model SM-T700) with 3 GB and Android 5.0.2
Best Regards, Falk

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I don't have a Samsung but my Nexus was very unstable with Android 5.0.x. Either go back to Android 4.4.x or upgrade to 5.1.1. Steady as a rock now.
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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DirDej (7/26/2015)
I don't have a Samsung but my Nexus was very unstable with Android 5.0.x. Either go back to Android 4.4.x or upgrade to 5.1.1. Steady as a rock now.

+ 1 from me.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5487, SD

Tim Dawson
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Does it only happen with certain DFS charts?

Austrian charts I would understand; they are very badly produced and are simply too big for a lot of mobile devices to handle.
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Thanks to everybody for the replies - soory fo rmy late one, have been off for some time.
Samsung does not provide Adroid 5.1.1 for the Galaxy TAB S (yet). 

Regarding the charts:
yes, predominantly the Austrian Charts are trouble makers. From total crash to something like a "black" chart (background colour black and all content illegible). Example: LOWZ, Zell am See.
DFS charts: so far only EDNY Friedrichshafen DFS approach chart caused a stop, but I cannot repeat it on command. Happened twice so far.
Charts too big too handle? The device usually offers 1.6 GB free RAM when I start SkyDemon.

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I can second that. On a trip from EDNY to LSZR the Friedrichshafen chart went black first. After that the LSZR approach chart (skyguide) didn't came up, on loading it manually SD crased.


Chris We
Chris We
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Hello SD-Team from South-Germany,

we´re  using VFRnav the last time and we´re testing the trial-version of SD for a few days now.
Our intention to change from VFRnav to SD was the fact, that the AIP should be integrated already.

But we have problems...

On Nexus 7 we´ve the same problems, particularly with the georeferenced charts of austria.
SD is only stable without the austrian AIPs in the chart - but we want to have them Wink
When I scroll in the map, I can´t see the AIP, only the red cross - then a few seconds later, I have a black screen and finally the homescreen appears.

In VFRnav you have the possibilitiy to georeference individual AIP-charts for yourself, which is a very good solution.
There you can decide for yourself, how big the data storage is.
The datas of the austrian charts are too big - so finally Skydemon can´t work with them.
We should have a tool to reduce the data size of them.

Our question:
  • Before we´ll buy your product we want to ask you, is it possible to test the German-DFS-AIPs for trial?  
  • It doesn´t make sense to buy it, when it won´t work stable with the AIPs in the chart
  • Do you have a program/ function to create "custom AIPs" like in VFRnav - especially for the austrian AIPs?
  • Can I integrate custom georeferenced JPGs or PDFs in Skydemon ?
We need this for SKYDEMON:
Link: VFRnav

The JPGs or PDFs are saved as: StJohann_12.3529_47.5962_12.5234_47.4556.JPG

Thanks for your your help an service.
Best regards.

Android 4.4.4
ARMv7Processor rev 9
Nexus 7 (2011)
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Sorry, we have no plans to introduce a user-georeferencing feature in SkyDemon.

It is unfortunate that Austrian AIP maps cause problems on (normally) older and less-capable Android devices. The PDFs are terrible and that is the main reason; they are very badly produced and inefficient. German DFS plates are much better, but they are still on the large side. Unfortunately we are not licensed to provide free samples of that product for you.

I am going to ask the vendor of the PDF rendering component we use in Android to take a look at some of the Austrian documents to see if there's anything that can be done.
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[b]Chris We (8/6/2015)
  • Before we´ll buy your product we want to ask you, is it possible to test the German-DFS-AIPs for trial?  
  • Nexus 7 (2011)

FYI, I use a Nexus 7 2013 and DFS plates are perfectly rendered (as well as the French ones) without any of the issues we have with the Austrian ones.

I also had some crashes with Austrian plate, but I can't blame Skydemon. Even when using a dedicated PDF reader on a PC, they are difficult to open (and very badly designed as approach charts). Memory is a key point and perhaps you should test with a more recent device.

Edited 8/7/2015 8:49:47 AM by MikeTwoOne
Chris We
Chris We
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Posts: 2, Visits: 9
Thx for the responses - but that´s sadly not satisfying

Especially in the autrian alps it would be a importart support to make flying/ navigation easier with working austrian-AIPs.
Maybe could the Skydemon-Team make a working "package" of Austrian-AIP-Charts for "little money" - there are not so much airfields in austria - we also need the AIPs of St. Johann... - they still working with them Wink

I would say, that all pilots who fly to Austrian alps would be pleased about a solution.

Thx from Bavaria


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