By FaRu1 - 7/25/2015 9:33:00 PM
Experienced multiple crashes (Skydemon stops working) when loading georeferenced appraoch charts (DFS Germany) or Austrian Charts for VFR flights. Happens since the latest Skydemon program update (just on abservation) - never before. I re-started the device, same result, today 3 times already. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (model SM-T700) with 3 GB and Android 5.0.2 Best Regards, Falk
By Chris We - 8/8/2015 8:49:33 AM
Thx for the responses - but that´s sadly not satisfying
Especially in the autrian alps it would be a importart support to make flying/ navigation easier with working austrian-AIPs. Maybe could the Skydemon-Team make a working "package" of Austrian-AIP-Charts for "little money" - there are not so much airfields in austria - we also need the AIPs of St. Johann... - they still working with them 
I would say, that all pilots who fly to Austrian alps would be pleased about a solution.
Thx from Bavaria Chris