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Licence problem with laptop

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Posts: 13, Visits: 59
I have run into a very frustrating problem attempting to use Skydemon with ONE laptop and ONE iPad (surely within the spirit of the multiple device rules?).  I keep getting the error message; "Your device is not properly logged in to the SkyDemon system.  This may be because something about your device has changed, so that we no longer recognise it.  To fix this, choose Log Out from the setup menu then log in again using your SkyDemon credentials" (error message repeated six times).  After a lengthy exchange with SkyDemon support, with multiple password changes and licence link resets, the conclusion is that this is due to connecting my laptop different places (surely the whole point of a laptop?!!), which somehow makes SkyDemon think I am trying to use multiple computers.  Apparently wanting to use a laptop in multiple places is a "unique problem" so I will just have to put up with logging in and out manually every time I use SkyDemon, which is a bit of a pain (am I REALLY the only person wanting to use a laptop as a mobile device?!).   Incidentally I am not using a VPN, so that is not the issue.  One possible factor is that I usually use a wired connection when docked, but sometimes use wireless (again this is surely not a strange and unique thing to do with a laptop?), and the wired/wireless network adaptors obviously have different MAC addresses.
Has anyone else encountered this?  Unfortunately it sounds like there isn't a solution, and I will just have to put up with these error messages, and the need to log out, restart, log in every time I use SkyDemon.  Grrrr.
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I've had similar, but much less severe problems recently when using my laptop in different places, especially when I took it abroad. It is a shame that enough people abuse the license terms to make it necessary to enforce the two device limit so strictly.

That said, if the limit is enforced by IP address (my assumption here), that approach is equally flawed.
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Programmers writing Win32 application for single users - to prevent use of program on other PC-s - would 'read' some S/N-s of the hardware and save to file: HDD partition S/N, HDD hardware S/N, network card MAC Nr. The last 2 ones can NOT be modified by user or during OS upgrade/change. MAC - easy to read on any Windows versions, looks ideal for sw protection. Pity, Windows would create 'virtual network cards', so the program might see not a single MAC but a set of them with changing elements depending on actual internet connection (LAN is use, WIFI in use, GSM in use). But programmer can collect them all to avoid false alerts.

Just a guess from a hobby programmer...
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Posts: 29, Visits: 92
I also encountered the same annoying issue with my gear : 

- 1 x Laptop
- 1 x fixed base PC (home)
- 1 x iPad : my main inflight device
- 1 x iPhone : my main backup inflight device
- 1 x Android : my secondary inflight device (with another operating system)

I know I'm over 1 device as descrive in the FAQ : :

Can I use SkyDemon software on more than one computer or device?

Yes; SkyDemon is licensed personally so as long as it's just you using it, you can install it on up to two PCs and two mobile devices (iOS or Android).

Finaly, a Skydemon sales (?) representative met during a french expo/show last month explained me, despite my 5 devices, that it shouldn't be a issue and that I certainly have different Skydemon versions wihtin my devices. This checked, it doesn't change anything and I'm still have to disconnect/reconnect ;-(

How solving this issue ?

Vincent B.
(St-Cyr/LFPZ, Toussus/LFPN, San Diego/KMYF)
Check my blog :

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
The problem seems to be that you're using SkyDemon on three mobile devices when you're only allowed two. There isn't a "fix" to this problem.
If you're using one device only as a backup, then that device will normally not be switched on, and will not need to be logged in to the SkyDemon system. Therefore you can keep the two mobile devices you normally actually use logged in, and it doesn't matter that the third is logged out.
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Tim Dawson (7/6/2015)
The problem seems to be that you're using SkyDemon on three mobile devices when you're only allowed two. There isn't a "fix" to this problem.

Thanks Tim for the reply and support.

Tim Dawson (7/6/2015)If you're using one device only as a backup, then that device will normally not be switched on, and will not need to be logged in to the SkyDemon system. Therefore you can keep the two mobile devices you normally actually use logged in, and it doesn't matter that the third is logged out.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Let's assume I want to use my iPad and my Android as primary and secondary mobile device. These two have Skydemon logged in. What about my third (in case of) device (iPhone) ? I should let it with Skydemon installed but not logged in ? In this situation, I won't be able to use it in case-of-emergency because at the first launch I will need to enter my credential but also have an Internet connection. It this correct ?

Thanks for your help.

Vincent B.
(St-Cyr/LFPZ, Toussus/LFPN, San Diego/KMYF)
Check my blog :

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
You can log your backup device in, and get all necessary charts installed for you to navigate in the event of an emergency. Then you log your two main devices in, and use them as normal. When you do this, your backup device will become logged out but that does not stop it being used for offline navigation using the charts already installed on it.
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Posts: 13, Visits: 59
The device limit and the reasons behind it are well understood and accepted.  However, the implementation does appear to be faulty.

Despite a very simple setup of:
  • 1 laptop
  • 1 iPad
I still get the message "Your device is not properly logged in to the SkyDemon system...."   etc. when I try to plan a flight using Skydemon on my laptop.  It is not a disaster, since it can be dealt with by logging out, relaunching SkyDemon, and logging in again.  However, it is certainly annoying to have to do that every time I plan a flight!  Luckily I have never had that message on the iPad, which would be a show stopper, since I often launch this where there is no internet connection to log back in.

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Is your laptop a business one? Do you connect to an office via VPN, or perhaps install it into a docking station?

Something could be making SkyDemon think it's running on more than one laptop.
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VPN?  About one hour per month to a remote server using Juniper Network Connect,   However, I have never launched SkyDemon with JNC running, and certainly have no need to do so.   That is probably a red herring.  All the rest of the time I have a plain vanilla network connection, mostly a home via ethernet (in a docking station), or sometimes via wireless when out and about.  I always switch off the wireless adaptor when docked, so there is no reason for SD to think I have two active connections, or that SD is being used on two devices simultaneously.   Given that in theory SD can be used on two PCs (not that I want to use it that way), then it is rather odd that it appears to think that my solitary laptop is actually THREE or more PCs!   Suggestions very welcome....


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