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auto routing

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 46
Im posting this ïdea"since I see a lot of small enhancements comming out , which are great, but feel that there are bigger things to be focused on, let me mention a few:
1/ I love SKY demon, and would like to have the option which is the strength of ËasyVFR"' being the AUTO Routing.
in this option you just put in the dep and arriving airport and your allowed airspaces and the program will provide a flight plan.
Specially in very busy areas this a great feature.
2/ Geo ref charts are good, have a look at jepessen and Garmin how they make the approach and taxi information as an intergrated part of the charts, it is very slik, as soon as they would provide  a "radar view"i guess a lot of VFR pilots would become very interested. So, get this into the Sky demon offering.
3/ see if you could work with Jepessen or Garming and their global airport databasis, than you could offer a complete solution stead some german some Uk solutions.

As you can see , please do not loose your selves in the nitty gritty, pls keep focused, the BIG competitors are moving in fast.

Skydemon rules, ledts keep it that way

concerned user,

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)SkyDemon Team (664K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
SkyDemon has had georeferenced plates for a long time. If you spend some more time playing with SkyDemon (are you new?) or read the user manual, you will probably discover all sorts of features.

We will not implement a VFR "auto-routing" feature. If your software "auto-routes" your VFR flight, then you have not properly planned your flight. That is our policy, and it is unlikely it will change in the future.

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