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What with all of this NATS ADS-B trial initiative, there should be good ways of detecting and plotting traffic now on Skydemon with a low cost ADS-B Receiver, to give us a very low cost PCAS.
So, working on a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver solution (super cheap! ~£50 or less - keep it open source), based on dump1090 or modesdeco2, but wondering if it's possible to adapt the FLARM interface to get traffic data displayed on Skydemon. There is an ADSB2FLARM software module kicking around in the 'virtual radar' development community.
How does SD handle this? Is there a better way to feed this data into SD? Which interface would be recommended? How about over Bluetooth? If this is available is there a document describing the message format?
The Air-connect TCP/IP style isn't so attractive, since it's harder/more expensive to set up a WiFi Access Point with the RPi using a USB WiFi dongle. (EDIT: Seems it's possible with a USB WiFi stick to create an AP, so maybe ok this way)
Cheers Andy