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Nexus 7 warning and question

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I used the new beta for a full day in the car last week and it worked fine.

Today I did an 80 mile flight for real and it also worked fine. No crashes or any obvious faults at all.

Well done and thanks to SD, I'm now glad I got the nexus 7.
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I tested Android 5.02 and SD at the last days:

4 hours simulation mode: it run fine!

Planning mode: no problems, performance ok!

Navigation mode: I tested SD on several flights. On an 400 nm flight with 15 legs SD crashed after 3 hours. Short before I inserted an new waypoint in the next leg. Direct after that I opened the pilot log. I got the head line of the log but the log itself was black. After 1 second the SD switched from navigation mode to planning mode. I had to start the navigation mode again.
After that crash I tried 20 times to repeat this failure but it did not appear again.

In general SD runs much better with Android 5 than before! Thanks for that work!

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4 hours in the car today for work so tested SD latest Beta version on 2012 Nexus with Lollipop 5.1.

Performed perfectly no crashes.

Sean Kx
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite
Android 13
Skydemon latest version always

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More than 4 hours of real flight over the Alps on yesterday, using
Not a single crash Smile
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Ok, I think we can consider this issue resolved. That doesn't mean of course that there won't be any other bugs in the future, or separate issues which can cause a crash, but this particular issue is definitively fixed. Thanks to everyone who helped us track down the bug and for your patience due to our difficulty in reproducing it (we never managed on any of our own devices).
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Wish I'd read this thread before putting my Nexus 7 back to 4.4 this morning!

Any idea when this fix will be in the 'release' version on Google Play?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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After Aero Friedrichshafen, so a couple of weeks.
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Thanks Tim

As a general question, how are people finding the performance of the 2012 Nexus with Android 5.1? I found it was regularly getting sluggush, which was another reason for doing back to KitKat.


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I've given up on the Nexus 2012 under 5.1. I've found it completely unreliable in use, with freezing and crashes. 

Last week I uninstalled it and reloaded it again and it did seem to work ok for a bit, then had yet another unexpected crash. I'm using SD on my new Nexus 2013 tablet running 4.4.3 - totally stable and reliable

I've just uninstalled SD from the 2012 for the forseeable future
Edited 4/8/2015 9:29:51 AM by PeterGristwood
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Thanks Peter, pretty much similar to my experience.

4.4.x seems perfectly fine on my 2012 Nexus with Sky Demon on it. Tested it in Nav mode on the drive home from work last night, and it performed perfectly. Performance of the tablet itself (admittedly with almost no apps installed yet) seems much better than it did under 5.1. Prior to the 5.0 upgrade it ran SkyDemon just fine too.


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