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Find function in the SD Mobile device

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Hi again!
Ok... the situation:

Yesterday I was flying to Calvì (Corsica) and while i was in the middle of the see 'Milano Info' told me to go direct to TORTU (an IFR waypoint). Cause it was not in my planned route and it wasn't visualized on the screen yet I did this:
Selected "Flight" menu, then "Direct to" then "find", taped TORTU and nothing happened, but I had only a black screen in the find list. I tried several times but nothing.
So I zoomed out till find the waypoint and when visualized I selected it and then Direct to.

Once on the ground I tried to find something else and the function gave me results only if I serched airports, cities or personal waypoints. It was impossible to find the official IFR or VFR waypoints.

I think this should be a foundamental function on the Mobile Device.

Once at home, I tried the "find" function on the planning software on the PC and it worked
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Direct To is a different function to Find. On the SkyDemon Mobile device if you want to find a waypoint, use Chart -> Go To Waypoint (that's the same as the Find function on PC/iOS/Android. The Direct To function on the SkyDemon Mobile device is for making a diversion to an airfield.
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Thank you for the reply!
Mmmm... ok for the diversion to an airfield, but is there a way to find a VFR or IFR waypoint? So I can Fly direct to it Doze
I just tried your indication, but I find only airfield and cities.
So the "direct to" finds only airfield and the "go to waypoint" finds airfield and cities or custom waypoints but not the official ones.

Edited 3/10/2014 4:29:35 PM by Stefano
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Go To Waypoint should certainly find VRPs and IRPs.
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Posts: 40, Visits: 157
mmm... no...
while I'm typing the name (ex. DORIN) it starts giving results, but once finished it gives me a black screen.

I'm speaking about the Mobile Device.

Ah..another things... I tried with VRP (ex. MI-E1 Spino d'adda) and while typing I used the shift button to get the - on the querty keyboard but it type the number 8 (as no shift selected). It does this for all symbols with shift selected.
Edited 3/14/2014 8:10:32 AM by Stefano
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Is the chart containing DORIN actually loaded? SkyDemon Mobile only loads charts when you are within their boundaries (or close by) as the devices do not have very much memory.
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Posts: 40, Visits: 157
Yes! The chart is Italy, so it's loaded. Sad

For the VRP the function go to waypoint finds them, but only if I type the entire name (Spino d'Adda) and not the code (Ml-E1). This doesn't happen with the PC version. It finds the VRP in both cases.
Edited 3/14/2014 5:09:59 PM by Stefano
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Posts: 40, Visits: 157
Any suggestion about this finding options?

Please, how to to type the - & ( ) etc... characters?

I use to select shift then the corrisponding number on the qwerty keyboard, but I have only the number!!!!
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I just ran a test and could find the Spino VRP by typing the first few characters, e.g. "spin".

Airways reporting points are slightly different, you must type the whole name.

Sorry, the soft keyboard on a Mobile MD does not support many special characters.
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For IRP, once typed all the name I have a black screen, no finds at all. In my opinion there is a bug or something Ermm (in the Mobile Device)

For the VRP the problem is with the code name: last sunday Verona app told me to report PO-E1... wow!... if I didn't know that was "Lonato" VRP and I tried to find via this function I would never have found.
I should have to find it exploring the map, bringing my attention away from flying for too long.
Here in Italy, there is a process to change all the VRP names (above all if they are gates to CTRs) with this sort of code to make them much more understandable for foreign people than the local names.

So, in my opinion they should be searchable (in the Mobile Device) even by typing their codename.

But, and there is always a "but"... If I can't write the symbols back the numebers of the qwerty key (with shif selected) I'll never find them anyway, cause I can't write the '-' between PO and E1

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