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SkyDemon & Windows 8

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For some maybe a stupid question but as I am not an IT guru...

Will the SkyDemon work fine with the upcoming Windows 8?

Just asking because seeing all the announced Win 8 transformers (like the ASUS Transformer Book), one has to think that the perfect solution is maybe on its way... Smooooth

Thank you for your opinion.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SkyDemon will run fine on Windows 8 full machines, but we have no current plans to produce a special version necessary for the low-power ARM machines.
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Posts: 68, Visits: 565
OK, I am happy to hear that Win 8 will be fine

thanks, Tim

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Can I ask why there is no planned development for Win8RT? I thought that Microsoft were pushing that Win8 was a true cross platform OS with a core kernel allowing developers to easily post from Win8 to Win8RT and Windows Phone 8? Surely with 4.5 Inch + WP8 devices and the MS Surface along with a number of GPS enabled OEM Win8RT devices before Christmas not developing for this market if it is an easy port makes no sense. I appreciate the previous Android view around fragmentation of devices and screen sized but with MS having strict device control around resoultion and hardware (drivers etc) and that you already have a Win8 product, it seems little work for market gain?
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I think the savvy developer would wait and see if the inevitable happens (Win8RT dying a quick and undignified death) before wasting any time on a port...
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It is not an easy port. The amount of work would probably be similar to an Android port. You can probably guess which has priority.
Edited 10/18/2012 12:56:03 PM by Tim Dawson
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Nice one Tim. My reading of this says 'Android version on the way'. SUPER cannot wait

Dear Father Xmas, I would like ...................
Edited 10/18/2012 1:06:46 PM by jc
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Tomorrow morning I was going to commit an act, similar only to the removal of my right arm with a blunt saw - buying an ipad just to run SD!

The thought of it alone sent shivers down my spine. (buying an ipad)

I once owned an iPhone, I converted to Android eighteen months ago and boy what a difference, I swore never to go back to the dark side!

I bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 .1 about 3 months ago in strong anticipation of an Android version of SD being released imminently.

As no further news had been received I opened my not so sharp tool box ready for my heinous crime.

After reading this post it seems my right arm has won a reprieve - give us all some good news and give us an approximate release date, before I have that awful hideous urge again........please.
Edited 10/24/2012 2:11:54 AM by welshpilot
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I'm not sure what you just read that could have stopped you doing the deed if you were that close...

I'd wait until tomorrow anyway though as it is quite likely that the iPad mini is going to be announced. That will be the perfect device for SD!
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Why doesn't SD just confirm one way or the other if there is going to be an Android version now or later?

As you can tell I'm not a lover of Apple products and I'd be pretty chuffed off buying one to find out soon after there was no need.

I think its time to get a definitive answer to the question is there going to be an Android version soon.


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