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Filing flightplan during Olympics

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SD is certainly gearing up for the Olympics 2012 but I cannot figure out how to add an Addressee of EGGOLYMP to the full version of SD on the iPad when filing a flightplan. Anyone help out with this?

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 5/19/2012 11:15:54 PM by Biggles-EGKB
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It isn't currently possible to add custom addressees on SkyDemon for iPad. The EGGOLYMP address will be added automatically during the Olympics.
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Good to see that the Olympics addressee will be automated. Thank you for that.

As a confirmation it would be useful to see who the addressees are for any submitted flightplan and perhaps the possibility of adding manually any others.

I know that when I fly Biggin to Le Touquet I always add Lydd. (not sure why, but I aways do) perhaps it's because I use them for coasting out and fly through their overhead.

Welcome your thoughts on this one.

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 6/28/2012 11:13:24 PM by Biggles-EGKB
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I agree it would be nice. You can see the addressees of your plan in the confirmation email you get when it's submitted, for the time being.
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Yesterday (24th July) I used the SD PC version to file a flight plan for a flight starting inside EGR112 exiting and then returning 30mins later on a local flight. During the flightplan submission an error occurred as the servers "failed to communicate" and I resubmitted my flight plan. That's when the fun started....

After having to cancel and resubmit again with phone calls to ATLAS (who were very helpful) I ended up with 2 authorisation numbers for the same flight and, when I came to actually activating the flight today, there was a very bemused Tower controller when I offered him a choice of authorisation numbers and told him "to take his pick"

The day became even more interesting when ATLAS couldn't find either authorisation numbers on their computers despite the text message confirmations that I had on my iPhone. They eventually acknowledged that the plan had been filed and should have been in the system and, with only 15 minutes to spare, I managed to take off in the allotted slot and 15 minutes later had left the restricted zone behind -- Freedom, I was out, I could fly!

SD was excellent offering the reassurance that what the ATLAS Radar Controller was seeing was a almost perfect straight line along the submitted flightplan. OK I cheated a little by using the AP to ensure the straight line flight.

Then came that "reality moment" -- Yes I was free, Yes I was out but was I going to get back in to EGR112? Surely with 2 authorisation numbers I was bound to get back in, after all I would have at least 2 shots at it?

PANIC set in as I thought that ATLAS might lose me once again and that I would end up in ever decreasing circles just outside the zone waiting for ATLAS to sort it all out. Not again was my only thought! Turns out, I didn't need to worry, they were very good, well organised and a pleasure to work with.

And the moral of the story; when all goes wrong and everything else fails ----- PANIC!!

And the challenge; can anyone make it 3 authorisations for the same flight plan ----- I THINK NOT!

Any chance of a GOLD Medal? ...... I didn't think so. Oh well, it was worth a try.

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 7/26/2012 12:38:57 PM by Biggles-EGKB
Mike M
Mike M
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Two flights leaving and reentering R112 yesterday, both filed from SD iPad and approved via text (and experimental SD e-mail). When I called the tower to book out they said thenflightplans weren't valid and 'should never have been validated really'. Tower (FIS) said they would not be able to send a departure message because of this. The alleged error was in field 18 and had to do with nav/com equipment. This made no sense to me and after some full and frank discussion I was allowed to go on the basis that I had my clearances.

I have checked my aircraft profile for errors amd noticed I did not have the transpnder enetered (but this was not the complaint...). Interesting that the approval was given anyway.

Just thought I'd share this info.

Mike M

Alpi Pioneer 200
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Can you share the flightplan with us?
Mike M
Mike M
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Hi Tim
Yes , of course. You'll need to tell me how to do that, though...
Mike M

Alpi Pioneer 200

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