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Export PLOG workaround ideas - copy & paste?

Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)Too Much Forum (1.4K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 25
Given how many people are asking for some type of PLOG export and the lack of exuberance to put that feature in I take it there is some real difficulty in programming that functionality. There are plenty of change requests, so if this is too hard then that's it, we won't get it. So let's think about alternative workarounds that could do the trick:
- SDLight allows copy&paste from it's PLOG, could one transport that functionality to the SD-PC?
- any chance to "open up" the PLOG page in the SD-PC print centre to it's copy&paste-able (seems a locked .pdf type page now)?
- if one looks at the ROUTE PLAN view in SD-PC, most of the data is there, so any chance to open that up for copy&paste?
- is there a way to "send" a flight (or PLOG) from SD-PC to SDLight and then use the PLOG copy&paste from there?
- to all the programming wizards ... any other ideas of using existing functionality to work around the problem?

There must be some way to get a simple set a data out of the application - other than transcribing by hand which sounds really ridiculous ...
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 23, Visits: 41
Print to pdf in SD-PC and then do as you wish with the resulting pdf file? (email/upload to dropbox etc).
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Exporting in CSV format to Excel (etc) is actually on the list for soon in the future. Contact us by email if you'd like to try an early build of the feature.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 17
Would love to have a go. Have sent you a pm.

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