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feature request: Navigation point proximity warning

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 52
I would like to have a functionality, where, during a navigation, one can hold a navigation point or arbitrary location on the map. In the menu opened, there would be a submenu "Activate proximity warning", where you could select:
- at the point
- 1 min before
- 3 minutes before
- 5 minutes before
- 1 NM before
- 3 NM before
- 5 NM before

When reaching this mark, Skydemon should show a warning on the screen with a sound, similar to entering CTR/TMA.


Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)Too Much Forum (67K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 538, Visits: 2.2K
Aky - 6/13/2019 7:31:13 AM
I would like to have a functionality, where, during a navigation, one can hold a navigation point or arbitrary location on the map. In the menu opened, there would be a submenu "Activate proximity warning", where you could select:
- at the point
- 1 min before
- 3 minutes before
- 5 minutes before
- 1 NM before
- 3 NM before
- 5 NM before

When reaching this mark, Skydemon should show a warning on the screen with a sound, similar to entering CTR/TMA.


Not a bad proposition.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
This feature is being addressed in the forthcoming version of SkyDemon. More information in the thread linked below.

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