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Windy Premium integration for enroute weather

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Hi, would it be somehow possible to integrate / connect your Windy Premium to SkyDemon to have its enroute weather used to cover areas that are far from METAR / TAF?

They natively have such a functionality on Windy, but it'd be great to have that directly included in SkyDemon, if there's any possiblity. I think a Windy Premium sub is quite common among pilots anyway.

Thanks and kind regards

Edited 7/1/2024 10:22:32 AM by piri89
Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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piri89 - 7/1/2024 8:58:19 AM
Hi, would it be somehow possible to integrate / connect your Windy Premium to SkyDemon to have its enroute weather used to cover areas that are far from METAR / TAF?

They natively have such a functionality on Windy, but it'd be great to have that directly included in SkyDemon, if there's any possiblity. I think a Windy Premium sub is quite common among pilots anyway.

Thanks and kind regards

why not the autorouter gramet then? Doesn't even need a paid account and seems to have more aviation thought behind.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Have you looked at our Flyable Conditions feature? This is a high resolution personalised forecast designed exactly to cover the areas between TAF and METAR across Europe.
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Tim Dawson - 7/1/2024 3:03:26 PM
Have you looked at our Flyable Conditions feature? This is a high resolution personalised forecast designed exactly to cover the areas between TAF and METAR across Europe.

Yes, but the possible map elements in Windy go far beyond the weather functions in SD.
For example, a fine resolution display of the low, medium and high clouds or a visible satellite image and also as a forecast over a longer period of time with a slider.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Indeed. SkyDemon is not a weather app.

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