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Checklist with speak

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Posts: 38, Visits: 115
This feature would be great. Although I assume they will refuse again, to keep SD „as simple as possible“ and instead make the aircraft trail customizable...

Edited 1/7/2024 5:06:26 PM by publicom
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It wouldn't be 'great'; it's just a silly gimmick that allows wannabes to pretend they're in a 787 (that doesn't have speaking voices). For goodness sake, just use a written checklist if you must but keep SkyDemon as a navigation app and not something that is meant to fly the aircraft for you. Takeoff performance, circuit diagrams, speaking're on a C172, not a Space Shuttle.

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PaulSS - 1/7/2024 6:54:40 PM
It wouldn't be 'great'; it's just a silly gimmick that allows wannabes to pretend they're in a 787 (that doesn't have speaking voices). For goodness sake, just use a written checklist if you must but keep SkyDemon as a navigation app and not something that is meant to fly the aircraft for you. Takeoff performance, circuit diagrams, speaking're on a C172, not a Space Shuttle.

If a 787 does not have speaking voices, why should one pretend to be in one by using audio checklists? This makes no sense.

As You may have seen in my link, this is nothing related to a certain kind of aircraft but to certain software. And the competitor already offers it.

Also SkyDemon is much more than a navigation app. It already is a Mass & Balance and Fuel Consumption Calculator as well as weather forecast and so on. Even the integration of PDF checklists in SD is suggested.

A checklist is neither something supposed to fly the aircraft for one nor something to use „if you must“. It is mandatory and as an aural reminder will allow to look, where we all should look to instead of a written list. Clearly a big improvement for safety, which You are completely free not to use.

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PaulSS - 1/7/2024 6:54:40 PM
It wouldn't be 'great'; it's just a silly gimmick that allows wannabes to pretend they're in a 787 (that doesn't have speaking voices). For goodness sake, just use a written checklist if you must but keep SkyDemon as a navigation app and not something that is meant to fly the aircraft for you. Takeoff performance, circuit diagrams, speaking're on a C172, not a Space Shuttle.

I agree it's not needed in any way, but I think the comparison is a bit funny as the procedure in the two pilot environment is to do call out on the checklist items. Whether you read them or a device reads them to you, should be the same process, it's just a matter of personal preference. 
Speaking of silly gimmicks I think some of the recent changes, like the breadcrumbs, highlight of FIS border in zoom out and weather overlay playback is more silly, and I would prefer SD to focus on some real new capabilities.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 21
That feature was asked by many customers more than once (just search in this forum)...but refused every time. So I think we will not get a native implementation of a checklist (with or without speak) Wink 

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