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how to select a specific power setting when planning a route

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I have defined different power settings in my aircraft.
I can't find where I can select the default power setting either for the whole trip or just for a leg.
Thank you for any help

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easytherm - 10/11/2023 5:06:57 AM
I have defined different power settings in my aircraft.
I can't find where I can select the default power setting either for the whole trip or just for a leg.
Thank you for any help

To change it for the whole route, you do so in 'Flight Details':
- on a tablet/phone, touch the distance/time bubble at the top centre of the chart.
- on a PC 'Flight details' is one of the tabbed windows RHS of the screen.

To change it for a leg, you do so in 'Leg Properties':
- on a tablet/phone, long press the leg in question to bring up the 'What's here' popup.
- on a PC, right click the leg in question to and select 'Leg Properties' from the popup.

It's all explained on pages 25-26 of the user manual.

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grahamb - 10/11/2023 1:54:03 PM
easytherm - 10/11/2023 5:06:57 AM
I have defined different power settings in my aircraft.
I can't find where I can select the default power setting either for the whole trip or just for a leg.
Thank you for any help

To change it for the whole route, you do so in 'Flight Details':
- on a tablet/phone, touch the distance/time bubble at the top centre of the chart.
- on a PC 'Flight details' is one of the tabbed windows RHS of the screen.

To change it for a leg, you do so in 'Leg Properties':
- on a tablet/phone, long press the leg in question to bring up the 'What's here' popup.
- on a PC, right click the leg in question to and select 'Leg Properties' from the popup.

It's all explained on pages 25-26 of the user manual.

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Posts: 6, Visits: 5
Thank you very much. I was searching forever ! 
so easy !


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