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Reporting position to controler using Skydemon

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Skydemon offers an interesting feature that allows you to easily report your position to an air trafic controller.
For example : 5 NM SW from Champignac en Cambrousse.
Unfortunately, it appears that very small villages are most often provided by that feature. I was in such a situation yesterday and the controller from Paris Info asked me to provide a location relative to a know air point like an airfield or a VOR instead of a small village he never heard about before.
Is there is way to improve this ?

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In flight just click on any point on the map, in the blue header of the pop-up you will get distance/radial to the point you clicked. Just choose an appropriate point to click (I prefer to use airports).

For example on the picture I am 12NM E of Nangis Les Loges Aerodrome.

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Cessnaoui - 9/18/2023 3:30:26 PM
Skydemon offers an interesting feature that allows you to easily report your position to an air trafic controller.
For example : 5 NM SW from Champignac en Cambrousse.
Unfortunately, it appears that very small villages are most often provided by that feature. I was in such a situation yesterday and the controller from Paris Info asked me to provide a location relative to a know air point like an airfield or a VOR instead of a small village he never heard about before.
Is there is way to improve this ?

if you 'long press' on the reference point requested by ATC. the 'What's here' pop-up shows your distance, cardinal direction (N, NE, SW etc), time and bearing to/from that feature.

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pgroell - 9/18/2023 4:44:58 PM
In flight just click on any point on the map, in the blue header of the pop-up you will get distance/radial to the point you clicked. Just choose an appropriate point to click (I prefer to use airports).

For example on the picture I am 12NM E of Nangis Les Loges Aerodrome.

Thanks for this workaround ! This is exactly what I was looking for :-)

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Posts: 32, Visits: 0
grahamb - 9/18/2023 4:50:20 PM
Cessnaoui - 9/18/2023 3:30:26 PM
Skydemon offers an interesting feature that allows you to easily report your position to an air trafic controller.
For example : 5 NM SW from Champignac en Cambrousse.
Unfortunately, it appears that very small villages are most often provided by that feature. I was in such a situation yesterday and the controller from Paris Info asked me to provide a location relative to a know air point like an airfield or a VOR instead of a small village he never heard about before.
Is there is way to improve this ?

if you 'long press' on the reference point requested by ATC. the 'What's here' pop-up shows your distance, cardinal direction (N, NE, SW etc), time and bearing to/from that feature.

Thanks for this workaround ! This is exactly what I was looking for :-)


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