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Zoom and move around the vertical cut while in flight

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 78, Visits: 137
Before starting a flight, you can zoom the vertical view (virtual radar) and move around the whole trip. Great use for understanding airspaces and planning altitudes.
But once in flight, the virtual radar only ever shows the 10' ahead, impossible to zoom or move around.

-> Could we keep the possibility to zoom and swipe the vertical view after hitting "Go Fly", with the automatic 15" return to current position like for the top view?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Not really, because in flight the virtual radar is designed to show what you are actually doing, not what you necessarily planned to do. At the moment, if we are showing the 10nm ahead of you but actually in 5nm you've planned to make a turn, you're suggesting that the display should sometimes be different, and actually "follow the turn" like we do in planning.

Once you diverge a little from your plan, it becomes very difficult to know what to show in virtual radar during flight if you simultaneously want us to show what you're doing and what you've planned to do.

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Posts: 78, Visits: 137
Tim Dawson - 9/8/2023 9:32:08 AM
Not really, because in flight the virtual radar is designed to show what you are actually doing, not what you necessarily planned to do. At the moment, if we are showing the 10nm ahead of you but actually in 5nm you've planned to make a turn, you're suggesting that the display should sometimes be different, and actually "follow the turn" like we do in planning.

Once you diverge a little from your plan, it becomes very difficult to know what to show in virtual radar during flight if you simultaneously want us to show what you're doing and what you've planned to do.

My first intended use for moving around the vertical cut was to look ahead for frequency changes, instead of long-typing along the route at random positions until a new frequency is shown. This is solved with displaying the FIS-areas with respective frequencies in the latest update, thanks for that.

My second use is linked to this post, looking ahead where SkyDemon thinks I should start my next altitude change compared with current conditions in the air, the altitude I am actually flying vs planned, being able to answer ATC if I can reach that altitude by that point etc... To be honest I would prefer having the BOC/TOC/TOD/BOD indicators in the top view (like it is displayed in a G1000/GTN).

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Posts: 18, Visits: 26
Hi Tim,
I have to agree with ArnaudC, because what he suggests is not at all contradictory to what you write, but about having a zoom to see further into the future of the planned flight in the vertical profile. 10 nautical miles is simply very little, especially with faster aircrafts, and quickly leads one to airspace boundaries without being able to react in time.
Also the "BOC/TOC/TOD/BOD indicators" are important to make early decisions. Often it is necessary to change the pre-planned flight route during the flight due to weather or ATC instructions. Then the pilot has make a quick decision "in flight" e.g. is he able to fly the new routing at all with the available flight performance of his aircraft.
So why not make the functionality of the planning mode (section of the virtual radar = section of the main screen) switchable on and off in flight mode? That way we can have both!

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
The quick answer is because hardly anybody has requested it over the years - but we are listening! Anybody else who thinks this is an important feature that SkyDemon should have, now has this thread to contribute to.

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