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Realtime update of Radio tab while flying

Tony N
Tony N
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 342, Visits: 2.4K
Re-adding due to recent forum issues..
I know that Tim replied regarding this topic a few weeks ago, but I would like to add this suggestion as a possible enhancement request.

If one is following a planned route, I think it would be helpful if the radio tab was auto-updated with radio frequencies of airfields and gliding sites that one was passing. On a recent flight I passed within approx. 5 NM of a gliding site and, later, two small grass airfields/airstrips, each with traffic in the vicinity. Each airfield has its own discrete published frequency.
I was thinking of listening in/announcing my intentions of passing close by but really needed to be able to do this with the minimum number of menu selections on my smartphone, which runs SkyDemon. Clicking once on the Radio tab (easy to select on a smartphone) would achieve this.
To limit the possibility of too many frequencies being displayed perhaps only list them if one is, say, no further than 5 NM from a close-by airfield.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
SkyDemon actually used to work like this, but the result was easily 10 or more airfields all being displayed in the Radio tab, which resulted in scrolling being necessary to actually find the one you wanted. Different people have different ideas about the proximity of airfields that should be included in the list.

Contrast that with a single tap on the airfield in question on the map, which will instantly show you its frequencies. Wouldn't that be better?

Tony N
Tony N
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 342, Visits: 2.4K
Hi Tim,

Okay, will give that a try.


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